Winter is almost here, and you will soon begin experiencing the dropping temperatures and piles of snow. Before that happens, you still have time to prepare your home for the expected frigid conditions and keep your heating costs from skyrocketing. Here are four easy ways to winterize your home.

1. Fireplace
Close your flue when you are not using your fireplace, and make sure it is secure enough that there is no cold air flowing into your home down the chimney. If you have a glass surround, metal door, or another way to seal off the fireplace area, close that as well to keep cold air from entering the room.
2. Caulking
Caulking can crack and break over time, so it is always a good idea to check the caulking around windows. Even a tiny crack in the caulk can let cold air blast into your home and raise your heating costs. To remined yourself how important the task is, put the caulking on your fall home maintenance plan.
3. Roofing
Loose, missing, or torn sections of the fabric covering your roof can cause problems when the cold, wet winter storms strike. Call in a roof repair Lake County IL to secure your home’s envelop against the possibility of any water getting into your attic and causing additional damage once temperatures begin to warm up.
4. Drapes
For hundreds of years, heavy drapes have been used to keep the cold out of homes, why not use something that is tried and true. Change out your summer curtains for heavy winter draperies, and you will be surprised at the difference in the warmth of your rooms.
Winterizing your home can be a simple and cost-effective way of staying warm this winter. Use the four tips listed above to keep your home safe and warm this winter.