Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint and Going Green



Every day people are not aware of the impact they are having on their local and global environment. This impact is called our carbon footprint. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a simple, free online carbon footprint calculator. This online tool can provide consumers a glimpse into what their impact is on the globe and offers ways to reduce that influence and, in turn, help the environment. These convenient tips will help reduce a person, family, or household’s carbon footprint and just might save a bit of money as well.


It may be common knowledge that most things can be recycled, especially packaging for grocery items, but so many people choose not to recycle. Glass, paper, metal, batteries, and electronics can all be remade into new items. This reduces the waste levels in landfills that would not naturally break down over time as food items would.

Reusable Items

Think about all of the disposable items that are used and thrown away daily. There are reusable options for everything! Many stainless steel straws are a healthy alternative to plastic and greatly reduce plastic waste. Reusable shopping bags, coffee cups, beverage glasses, soap dispensers, and containers are some of the most commonly used then tossed items. Slowly integrating reusable items can be cost-saving and environmentally conscious.

Decrease Energy Consumption

This option is probably the biggest cost saver for consumers. Turning lights off when not in the room, unplugging electrical items when not in use, switching to low flow faucets or toilets, and using energy efficient light bulbs and appliances are simple to do. Power companies use fewer natural resources when the demand for power is lower.

Perform Regular Vehicle Maintenance

This tip may not seem to fit with the others, but it is important for many reasons. Cars emit CO2 and even more so when not maintained. This CO2 can turn into greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and harm to the ozone layer.

Eat Less Meat

Farm animals emit large levels of methane gas that strongly contributes to global warming. There is no need to go completely vegetarian unless someone feels compelled to. Changing one day to be meatless each week makes an impact and can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Adjust the Thermostat

Turning the temperature down during the winter and up during the summer reduces the energy usage for a home significantly. Wearing less clothing when the weather is warm and using blankets when the weather is cold along with thermostat adjustments can save money and valuable natural resources.

Everyone plays a role in protecting the Earth we live on. Making conscious choices to reduce our carbon footprints is beneficial to the environment. The changes that can be made are very simple and practical to achieve. As an additional benefit, consumers that perform going green activities also save money on bills and other shopping-related expenses. Going green and reducing individual carbon footprints should be global goals.

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