Fire Safety and Double Glazing: Making an Escape

In the past, the breakability of windows was an all too common problem. Window panes could shatter or crack so easily that glass-cutters were kept very busy repairing them. Today, the opposite is true, and it is so hard to break modern panes that window companies are seldom called out to replace them.

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Why are modern windows so hard to break?

Double-glazed windows are so impact resistant that it takes a concerted effort to break them. This is due firstly to the fact that toughened glass panels are used to resist break-in or accidental damage; secondly, the structure of double-glazed panels is very resilient – there are two panels to get through rather than one, and the layer of gas that fills the void between them acts as a very effective shock absorber.

What do I need to do in an emergency?

What about situations in which it …

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Aluminium Windows – All About Design, Installation & Maintenance

One of the types of windows that is growing in popularity these days is aluminium windows. These offer a modern design that people who want a minimalist home have begun to take notice of and have begun adding to their new homes. These kinds of windows can be made with sliding sashes as well as casement windows if you want a new take on the traditional, and they come in all shapes and sizes to ensure that you get the exact look you want. There are reversible options as well as tilt and turn ones that can allow you to have complete access even to your largest and most unwieldy windows without taking away from the style of the design. The sleek look of all of these windows is ultra-modern yet elegant and dependable. If you want to get the most out of your windows, then aluminium options can …

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Contract Furniture


Furniturе thаt iѕn’t used in a rеѕidеntiаl ѕеtting iѕ considered соntrасt furniture, аnd уеt thеrе iѕ a littlе bit оf соnfuѕiоn whеn уоu ѕее ѕоmе of thе ѕuреr comfortable pieces that аrе раrt of аn dосtоr’ѕ wаiting room or in a hotel room thаt уоu соuld easily see grасing thе bеdrооm in your оwn hоmе – in fact ѕо соmfоrtаblе уоu wish it wоuld. Thе оthеr key еlеmеnt in contract furniturе iѕ, оf соurѕе, thе contract.

Thе ѕimрlеѕt dеfinitiоn of соntrасt furniturе iѕ furniture thаt iѕ uѕеd for соmmеrсiаl purposes. Typically, соntrасt furniturе iѕ used by landlords аnd letting agents, univеrѕitу hаllѕ for student ассоmmоdаtiоn, hоtеlѕ, guеѕt hоuѕеѕ, оffiсеѕ, bars, restaurants аnd lеiѕurе fасilitiеѕ. The furniturе itself саn rаngе frоm соntrасt bеd frаmеѕ, mattresses, sofas, сhаirѕ, lighting, desks, bеdrооm furniturе, dining fасilitiеѕ, upholstery аnd linens. Thе list is almost еndlеѕѕ!

Tо еnѕurе safety standards аrе mеt, all furniturе thаt …

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Tips For Installing Underfloor Heating

If you’re renovating a property or building a new one, you may be thinking about the best way to heat it. An increasingly popular option is to have underfloor heating.

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This has several advantages. First, it puts the laws of physics on your side because warm air rises. Generating heat down low makes sense and means that there’s minimal wastage. It also keeps your room free of clutter as there are no radiators taking up valuable wall space. It also feels really great underfoot.

Wet or dry?

There are two types of underfloor heating. Wet systems use warm water pumped through plastic pipes under the floor. These pipes are laid on a subfloor with the final surface laid on top. One of the advantages of this type of heating is that the water temperature needed to heat the room is much lower than that needed for conventional radiator-based …

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All You, May Have Not Known About Near Blackout Shutters

A home is a man’s heaven, in that here is where they can control anything as they please without asking for permission or being questioned by anyone. Things such as light getting into the house can be hard to monitor, especially during daytime, which forces one to invest in buying window blinds for the same reason. Other than controlling the amount of light getting into the house during daytime, blinds also enhance the looks of your home and promote sleep during daytime for those that can’t go to sleep with much light available in the room.

As a homeowner or a DIYer, you benefit by near blackout shutter as they offer near-blackout effect during the daytime, without necessarily blocking all the light from getting inside the building. Also, they provide an additional layer of insulation, aid in the reduction of sound pollution. Many homeowners prefer them because they do …

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