As winter approaches, you’ve probably got your furnace checked and your space heaters ready. These appliances are not always the most efficient, and running them can get costly, especially if you or someone in your home is chronically cold. If you are looking at some alternative ways to keep warm, you might consider a few of these options.

Image result for Three Ideas To Help You Stay Toasty This Winter

Is Your Home Well Insulated?

While not necessary an easy fix, making sure your home is well insulated is a great way to avoid turning up the thermostat when it’s chilly. A product like Pittsburgh fiberglass insulation can keep your home warmer for many years to come. 

How Much Air is Coming Through the Windows?

Windows are a big source of entry for outside air. In the colder months, covering them with thicker fabric such as wool can help keep the cold out. Take advantage of the heat of the sun and …

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